"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things which he can afford to let alone.”

Henry D. Thoreau




Cowardly Inaction

How our planet and economies respond to the big issues of our time is determined by the individual actions of millions, indeed often, billions of individuals. This being the case, the argument could be made that no individual action is significant, and because of that there is no need for anyone to take responsible living and responsible actions seriously.

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Evolution and Prairie Soils

Evolution is not only an intriguing process, it is also inevitable. For plants and animals that means the fittest survive. Landscapes evolve to there climax. That is the rule of evolution. An understanding of this should affect the way we manage all aspects of our environment, and our natural environment is prairie. I was reminded of this again recently, listening to a TED talk by Allan Savory.

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Responsible Fossil Fuel Use

When we hear about climate change due to the use of fossil fuels, it’s easy to take away the wrong message. On the one hand, an immature environmentalist (like me in my twenties) concludes that fossil fuels are inherently bad, and should stay in the ground at all costs. On the other hand, a confirmed industrialist, reacts against a misguided attack on the prosperity that fossil fuels have provided so abundantly. But there is a third viewpoint that reconciles both positions: Fossil fuels are unbelievably precious.

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Ancient and Modern Food Production

      The ruins of ancient civilizations, the structures these civilizations built, are magnificent. I’m thinking of the pyramids of Egypt, the Parthenon in Greece, the Colosseum in Rome, the rock-hewn churches in Ethiopia, or the Great Wall of China. Some of us have seen some of them. Truly impressive! What those ancients were able to construct with only human labour is truly amazing.

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Inflection Point

We are at an interesting time in history. The past two centuries have experienced incredible economic growth, driven by the vast reserves of resources made available through cheap, plentiful energy. Just think of your grandparents’ lives – revolutionized by innovations like tractors and electricity in the home. Think of refrigeration and low cost international trade, satellites, metal ore refinement, and the digital age – all driven by huge amounts of energy. It feels like there’s nothing we can’t do, and indeed every day brings new amazing breakthroughs in science and technology.

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