"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things which he can afford to let alone.”

Henry D. Thoreau




Sustainable waste management in Steinbach

By Selena Randall

South Eastman Transition Initiative is working on a project with Steinbach City Council to reduce the amount of organic waste going to landfill. The City Council are keen to work with us, since anything that reduces the volume of waste they have to deal with saves them money now and in the future. Action now, will save future generations from having to deal with the methane gas production as the materials break down, and the need to find more space for more waste.

Over the coming months, you can expect a series of articles and promotional events to show you how you can reduce the volume of organic waste you put at the kerbside.

What kind of waste are we talking about?

Well, mainly grass clippings. From spring to fall, grass clippings dominate the waste set at the kerbside. In our tidy society, we mow weekly at times, and once that sack of clippings has gone, we think nothing more about it.

It doesn’t have to be this way though. There are things you can do easily to keep those clippings on your property.

You will see some articles over the coming months talking about these options, and dispelling some of the myths that surround the science of lawn management.

You will also see some demonstrations – we are working with the City on a plan for this. We also plan an informational booth for Summer in the City in June.

So, watch this space, and lets learn together folks.



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