"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things which he can afford to let alone.”

Henry D. Thoreau




Coping with the ban on lawn herbicides

South Eastman Transition Initiative

GreenSpace Options is an experimental site at the corner of First Street and Brandt, managed by the South Eastman Transition Initiative (SETI). Earlier this year, the City of Steinbach gave SETI permission to take responsibility for the site (approx. 1/3 acre) for a three year period.

The idea of operating such a site came as a direct response to the new provincial regulations now in place limiting the use of toxic chemicals for cosmetic purposes. The goal of GreenSpace Options is to assist the Steinbach community in exploring alternative, chemical-free ways of using and maintaining green spaces.

SETI has named a Task Force consisting of Jack Schellenberg, Ernie Klassen, and Jack Heppner to oversee operations at this highly visible, park-like space in the centre of the city. Members of the Task Force willingly admit that they don’t have a ready answer for how the City should manage its more than 250 acres of green space. But they are willing to carry out experiments at this location with the hope that some new options will emerge that can be used in other areas throughout the City.

A lot of work has been done already preparing the site: Volunteer maple trees and a former driveway have been removed, a crushed limestone pathway has been constructed through the heart of the property, and raised garden beds have been built. As well, a sizeable area has been tilled in which various grass and other groundcover experiments will be conducted. Most recently, a sign was erected on the Brandt side of the property to alert residents to this new venture.

A key component of the experiments will be to utilize aeration, composting and over-seeding on grass covered areas in an attempt to build healthy soil which should translate into healthy grass.

SETI is holding an ‘Open House’ at GreenSpace Options on Wednesday May 27 (Rain date May 29). Task Force members and their friends will be on hand to introduce guests to what has already been done and what is envisioned for the future. Also, a short presentation about the benefits of composting will be presented for those interested. And of course, there will be refreshments for all who show up!

For more information contact Jack Heppner 204-326-2911.

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