"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things which he can afford to let alone.”

Henry D. Thoreau



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Small Farms Manitoba Directory

You are invited...
To be among the first people in the province to see the Small Farms Manitoba directory!

The Small Farms Manitoba directory is an online space that profiles small farms that are underrepresented by the traditional commodity groups and are looking to build relationships with consumers and other producers.
Saturday, January 18th 
Crossways in Common, 222 Furby St., Winnipeg (Home of Young United Church, located on the corner of Broadway + Furby in the West Broadway neighbourhood)
11:00 am - Coffee and Cinnamon Buns
11:30 - Directory Launch
12:30 - Small Farm Potluck - Bring a dish to share! 
Please bring a dish that feeds 8-10 people. Ovens will be available for re-heating dishes prior to the potluck.
Hands-on demos of the directory will be available, including how to create a listing/profile and use the member-only forum.  If you belong to a small farm in Manitoba - even one that is still in its planning stages of production and marketing - you are eligible to become a member of Small Farms Manitoba!

**For the Small Farms Manitoba definition of "small farm" please see the attached file**
Celebrate and meet the farmers who provided their stories, feedback and input to make the website come together.  Kalynn Spain, founder of the directory and “Freelance Farmer”, will highlight these contributors by sharing tidbits from her 4-month working tour of 80 small farms in Manitoba last summer.
Hear from representatives of these small farm groups:
and more!

There will be a time of open-sharing following the speakers where anyone will be welcome to introduce themselves, share an opportunity for small farmers or give open feedback on the directory. 
Provide your feedback on the directory in the Suggestions Box and enter to win a prize!

All are welcome!
Please pass this invitations onto to others in your circles who you think would be interested in attending.
No R.S.V.P needed - hope the cold doesn't stop you from coming!
Call or email Kalynn for more details: kalynn@freelancefarmer.com  (204) 333-7537