"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things which he can afford to let alone.”

Henry D. Thoreau




Visit to God's Acres: CSA Farm

Join us on Friday July 19th at 7pm when we visit God's Acres Farm. God's Acres is a chemical free farm run by Hans and the Steinmann family. They choose to grow chemically free due to Hans' chemical sensitivities. At God's Acres they grow a wide range of vegetables and fruits using a variety of natural soil supplements. During our visit we will see fields of veggies, and indoor growing area, as well as the government inspected processing facilities. Come and learn how healthy food can be grown on a large scale and hear about the God's Acres CSA too!

From the water tower: 3 miles east, 5 miles south.


Bee-keeping 101 Workshop

David Dawson gave us an excellent presentation on bee-keeping. Using a toy-size hive, complete with combs and a queen excluder, he explained how a hive works and how to keep the bees healthy and productive. David gave us a cost analysis of what a home bee-keeping operation would cost and weighed the pros and cons of different hive options. Thank you David for such an in-depth analysis of home bee-keeping.


Computer Hope



Pasturing Animals Workshop

Introduction to Raising Pastured Animals

Many thanks to Sue Dick of Ivy Hill Farm for an informative and fascinating look at how to raise healthy, natural, pastured cows, pigs, and sheep. We were treated to an evening of information and an opportunity to ask questions. Some attendees with their own experience with pasturing animals also compared notes with Sue and with each other. 

Thanks again to Sue for the great presentation and for generously sharing her knowledge! 



Pro-biotic Drinks Workshop

This past Saturday we were lucky enough to have Andrea Wheeldon teach us about fermented drinks.

To begin Andrea demonstrated how to make a ginger-orange whey based drink. By adding whey from yogurt you create a drink full of beneficial pro-biotics similar to yogurt, whey adds wonderful good bacteria to your gut. We all got a chance to sample some and it was amazing! Gingery and tart.

Next Andrea introduced water kefir. We all got a taste test and a chance to make our own orange/lemon flavored water kefir to take home. Water kefir is a drink with over 40 strains of pro-biotics built right in, it is fizzy and satisfying and good for your body. A great alternative to pop!

Finally Andrea taught us about Kombucha. This is a tea based drink that helps to cleanse your body. Also fizzy and delicious! Some of us even got to take home a SCOBY to make our own Kombucha at home.

Thanks Andrea for such a tasty and educational workshop!

Pro-biotic Drinks handout here.

Better yet, see Andrea's comprehensive blog here.


Seeding Workshop

This past Saturday we had a Seeding workshop at Sunshine Nursery in Steinbach. Spending a dreary, not-quite-Spring morning inside a greenhouse surrounded by lush green plants was very refreshing and

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